Share this postThe Writings of Dr. SugrueMichael Sugrue age 17 (1974)Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMoreMichael Sugrue age 17 (1974)A photo taken during my match against GM Larsen. I’m the fellow in plaid.Michael SugrueSep 05, 202127Share this postThe Writings of Dr. SugrueMichael Sugrue age 17 (1974)Copy linkFacebookEmailNotesMore4Share
Michael Sugrue - Bent Larsen
August 1974
Smith-Morra Gambit
1. e4 c5
2. d4 cd
3. c3 dc
4. Nxc3 Nc6
5. Nf3 e6
6. Bc4 a6
7. 0-0 Qc7
8. Qe2 Bd6
9. Rd1 N8e7
10. a4 Ng6
11. Be3 Nge5
12. Nxe5 Bxe5
13. g3 0-0
14. Rac1 Qa5
15. f4 Bxc3
16. Rxc3 Ne7
17. Bb3 b6
18. f5 ef
19. ef Qe5
20. Qf3 Ra7
21. f6 Bb7
22. fe Bxf3
23. ef=Q+ Kxf8
24. Rc8+ Ke7
25. Re1 Kf6
26. Rc4 Kg6
27. Rf4 Bd5
28. Rg4+ Kh5
29. Bd1 1-0.